Agent Activity Boosts Fraternalism
Western Catholic Union sales agent David Draper of Geneva, IL, was able to present his son, Jack, an award for competing in the “WCU National Catholic Schools Week Poster Contest.” St. Peter School in Geneva was one of 21 schools that participated in the contest in 2013.
WCU is committed to supporting Catholic education, and many branch fundraisers pursue that goal. In all, last year
WCU branches raised $454,833 through the planning of 170 Matching Fund activities, and members volunteered 49,833 hours for charity work.
WCU is a part of a much larger fraternal community that provides irreplaceable services nationwide. According to the American Fraternal Alliance, last year nationwide, nearly 9 million fraternal members devoted more than 84 million volunteer hours and contributed $380 million to deserving recipients.