Western Catholic Union
A Fraternal Life Insurance Society
(217) 223-9721
(800) 223-4928
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Western Catholic Union
A Fraternal Life Insurance Society
(217) 223-9721
(800) 223-4928
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Branches – Union, MO

I.C. School Dinner Auction

June 11, 2024

For the past several years, our Union, MO branch has sponsored an I-pad raffle at the Immaculate Conception School Dinner Auction. Pictured is Branch President, Gary Sieve, along with Branch Vice President, Kathy Feth, presenting the matching fund check to the school principal, Shelly Jensen. This year they raised $1,750.00 including a WCU matching fund!

Union’s WCU Celebrates Centennial

February 26, 2021

It was a simpler time, but perhaps the most important values in life were easier to enjoy, back when Western Catholic Union began in Union, 100 years ago on March 13th. To celebrate the Centennial anniversary, many members will gather to celebrate mass at 5:00 PM Sunday, on the anniversary date, at Immaculate Conception Church. […]

A More Perfect Union

September 24, 2013

They spread a little sunshine throughout their community, and the Board of Directors of Western Catholic Union have voted the St. Anthony  Branch 253 in Union, MO,  the winner of WCU’s  Lakebrink Award for the fourth year in a row. The Lakebrink Award began in 1996 to recognize the very best branches in the organization. Throughout […]

Jerome Pelster Tuition Assistance Award

February 7, 2013

By working concession stands at the annual Washington Fair, as well as a 50/50 raffle, the Franklin-Warren District was able to award eight $250 tuition assistance awards. The tuition awards were awarded at their recent Fall dinner.       –Picture taken by the Missourian

Big Winner

January 5, 2012

St. Anthony’s Branch 253, Union, MO conducted children’s games at the annual Immaculate Conception Parish Fall Festival held on September 25, 2011. The branch raised over $1500, which included WCU Matching Fund, to benefit the Immaculate Conception School textbook fund. The little girl won a prize playing the roll down game. —Photo submitted by Missourian/Gregg […]

Union Christmas Celebration

January 5, 2012

At this month’s Union Branch 253 Christmas party branch officials awarded Matching Funds checks to a number of local charities for recent fundraising activities. In recent months, the branch held car washes, picnic games, raffles, bake sales, rummage sale, a Trivia Night, Pampered Chef party and other fundraisers to support these charities. Checks were awarded […]

Volunteering is a Way of Life

October 14, 2009

“Life is a great big canvas and you should throw all the paint on it you can”   — Danny Kaye Others may say no, but not Rosie Marquart. She continues to try to make the world just that much better. Rosie Marquart’s idea of life is living it to the fullest and having fun doing […]