“Saving the Cathedral”
WCU branches try to fill a need.
Often they hold fundraisers to help raise money for local Catholic schools, pro-life organizations, to feed the hungry, provide scholarships, and even help families facing large medical bills.
The St. Louis Branch is taking on a tall task, 300 feet tall to be exact! Built more than one hundred years ago to be “the most beautiful church in St. Louis” St. Francis de Sales Church now encounters structural problems, especially with the foundation of the steeple.
A fund drive to “Save the Cathedral of South St. Louis” is now underway, and WCU is trying to assist, a little at a time, with Matching Fund activities.On a recent tour of the church, WCU St. Louis Branch President Henry Schaper and his wife, Barb, were amazed by the beauty of the altar. Years ago, the church hosted branch meetings. After hearing of the needs of the church, these memories helped spring Henry into action.
“Being a fraternal society, we get the chance to work together for our fellow man,” Henry said. “In today’s world, with the rush, rush, we tend to forget that there are others in need. Using the Matching Fund program we can learn to share our talents, gifts, etc with others.”
Just a few years ago the church was nearly closed forever. But now the St. Francis de Sales Oratory is active, with Latin masses serving 1,500 each Sunday. If the steeple is secured, one of St. Louis’ finest landmarks can continue to serve Him.
To make a donation to help save this church make checks payable to:
St. Francis de Sales Oratory
And send to: Henry Schaper, 241 Tapestry Drive, St. Louis MO 63129