Western Catholic Union
A Fraternal Life Insurance Society
(217) 223-9721
(800) 223-4928
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Western Catholic Union
A Fraternal Life Insurance Society
(217) 223-9721
(800) 223-4928
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From D.C. to W.C.U.

Luetkenmeyer RESIZ“Get involved and get engaged.”

That’s the recommendation of Missouri 9th District Representative Blaine Luetkemeyer, who was speaking at the picnic of the Cole-Osage District of Western Catholic Union.

Luetkemeyer provided an update of legislation pending in Washington D.C. to more than 100 WCU members in attendance.

“When we’re all engaged and informed that’s when our system works best,” Luetkemeyer said.  WCU members Don and Pat Donehue extended the invitation to Luetkemeyer, who still owns a farm in nearby St. Elizabeth, MO.

While life in the nation’s capital is busy and exciting, Luetkemeyer values each opportunity to return home to speak to neighbors.  “Back in Washington they don’t have good ol’ Missouri common sense,” he said.

“Here in the Heartland, you are the ones who represent the values of America,” he told the gathering of WCU members and friends.  So he asked for feedback on the health insurance debate, as well as cap & trade legislation.  “This is OUR country.  We have to live with these rules so its time to speak up.  It’s a process where we all have to participate.”

Just like in the Cole-Osage District, WCU branches and districts are encouraged to communicate with legislators.  It’s the best way for the elected officials to understand the values and issues that are important to each member.

“You’ve got to educate the rest of the people around you,” Luetkemeyer said.  “Each of you is a sphere of influence.  You need to talk to everybody you know.  Write “Letters to the Editor” in your local newspaper, and get the leaders of your associations involved.”

“Your involvement shouldn’t stop just at the national level,” he said.  “State and city officials and your local school board members all make decisions that effect your lives.”