The home office will be closed on Monday, February 17, 2025 in observance of Presidents Day. We will resume normal business hours on Tuesday, February 18, 2025. Have a Safe and Holiday!

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Western Catholic Union
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Branch 269 Celebrates 100 Years!

The Western Catholic Union (WCU) St. Francis Branch 269, Clover Bottom, MO celebrated its 100-year anniversary on Saturday, October 7, 2023, at the WCU Hall in Clover Bottom.

The evening’s events began with a 4:30 PM Mass celebrated in the basement of the WCU Hall by Reverend Jim Holbrook, pastor at St. Ann Parish, Clover Bottom, St. Gertrude Parish, Krakow, and Holy Family Parish, Port Hudson.  Lectors were Jared Lause and Wanda Czeschin.  Music was led by Buddy and Connie Rigg, with the closing hymn being, “Prayer of St. Francis.”

Immediately following the Mass, WCU Branch 269 President, Chris Lause, thanked Reverend Holbrook for celebrating and everyone in attendance for coming.  A pin celebration was held honoring WCU members for 10, 25, 40, 50, 60, and 70 years of membership.

A meal of brats, hotdogs, potato salad, and baked beans, supplied by Williams Brothers Meat Market, was served and enjoyed by all. Additional sides included deviled eggs, sliced garden tomatoes, sauerkraut, chips, and watermelon.  The WCU also supplied ice cream treats and a “first drink on the house.”

Memorabilia was on display, with record books containing many familiar names.  Gift packs included WCU pens and can koozies, a WCU-stamped football and baseball, and candy.

After the meal, guests were treated to an October-sunset hayride, with Chris Lause driving his family’s John Deere B, sporting the familiar green and yellow colors.  Guests rode on Martin Schaefer’s hand-made trailer, also painted in John Deere green and yellow.

The evening ended with spectacular fireworks show, set off by Jared Lause and Dale Kluba.  Guests watched from the rear patio deck of the WCU Hall. The fireworks were purchased with help from Zach Ewing.

In remembrance and thanks to Fr. Holbrook, WCU Branch 269 donated a missal stand to St Ann Parish for use during Mass.

As a follow-up, a Customer Appreciation Day was held at the WCU Hall on Sunday, October 8, 2023, which included reduced prices and an attendance prize.

A Big Thank You goes out to all who worked to put this event together.  A good time was had by all.