The home office will be closed on Monday, February 17, 2025 in observance of Presidents Day. We will resume normal business hours on Tuesday, February 18, 2025. Have a Safe and Holiday!

Western Catholic Union
A Fraternal Life Insurance Society
(217) 223-9721
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Western Catholic Union
A Fraternal Life Insurance Society
(217) 223-9721
Agent Alert -

WCU’s Fraternal Mission

As a fraternal benefit society, Western Catholic Union provides a variety of competitive insurance products for its members; however it is the fraternal mission that beats as the heart of the organization.

Whether it’s organizing a chicken dinner or 50/50 raffle, a bake sale or car wash, Western Catholic Union members rise to the challenge to help their fellow man.

We help educate our youth, feed the hungry, fight disease, and protect the unborn. Through the branch structure we gather to help our communities.

While nations continue to fight, and political sniping reaches new highs, and jobs are disappearing, Western Catholic Union members continued to ignore the world’s struggles, and reach out to their fellow man.

In the past six years, our 21 branches have organized hundreds of fraternal activities, and the members have volunteered 415,627 hours of their time in order to raise $2,874,940 for their local charities. WCU provides some matching funds to support their efforts. No government agency is in position to replace these charitable efforts.

For many of our members, the membership recognition ceremonies, pancake and sausage breakfasts, or working the county fairs have become part of their family tradition. We do it to help others, but also to join together. That’s what fraternalism is all about. This fraternal mission has been strong since 1877.

Supporting Catholic education is a major interest for Western Catholic Union. Each year, WCU awards twenty $500 grade school grants, and five $1000 high school grants. The annual WCU National Catholic Schools Week poster contests involves nearly 1000 students from 25 schools, and the Christmas essay and posters contests normally include entries from hundreds of parochial students. In addition, WCU awards five $1000 scholarships for vocational students.

Insurance sales are critical for the support of the fraternal activities and charitable efforts of the local branches and its members. The growth of WCU will continue to provide for longtime support of the local charities.

Since 1877…

• Provide insurance assistance
• Provide system for charity work
• Board elected by members
• Support local charity needs
• Thousands of volunteer hours

Insurance and Annuities

• Variety to meet your needs
• Help provide future security
• Protect family from financial loss
• Help plan for retirement
• Email

WCU Fraternal Mission

• Branch system organization
• Impacts your community
• Awards scholarships
• Support Catholic education
• Support members’ charitable efforts