Western Catholic Union
A Fraternal Life Insurance Society
(217) 223-9721
(800) 223-4928
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Western Catholic Union
A Fraternal Life Insurance Society
(217) 223-9721
(800) 223-4928
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A More Perfect Union

A More Perfect UnionThey spread a little sunshine throughout their community, and the Board of Directors of Western
Catholic Union have voted the St. Anthony  Branch 253 in Union, MO,  the winner of WCU’s  Lakebrink Award for the fourth year in a row. The Lakebrink Award began in 1996 to recognize the very best branches in the organization.

Throughout the year, the many members of the branch helped raise money for St. Joseph Church, Partners in Child Development, Immaculate School technology fund and textbook fund, the school’s 8th-grade pro-life trip to Washington D.C., St. Vincent DePaul Society, and Immaculate Conception Church.

In all, their Matching Funds activities raised over $20,000 for local charities, and branch members provided 909 volunteer hours to charitable efforts.

St. Joseph Branch 148 in Apple Creek, MO, finished 2nd in the voting, and Sacred Heart Branch 287 in Ozora, MO, finished third.